Finding a Secure Approach to Accepting Phone Payments 

Credit card fraud is widespread—and it’s expensive for U.S. consumers. In fact, one recent survey found that 60% of Americans have experienced credit card fraud at least once, and 45% have been victimized multiple times. It should be no surprise, then, that according to a recent McKinsey & Company report, 69% of U.S. bill payers rank security as a top feature in the digital bill payment process.

One area of heightened risk is taking credit card payments from your customers over the phone. Your organization needs to get paid, and you can leverage tools to make taking over-the-phone and call center payments more secure.

Merchants who accept credit card payments must comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Payment card brands may fine merchants up to $500,000 per incident if they aren’t PCI compliant at the time of a data breach.


Taking Credit Card Payments by Phone Can Be Risky Business

When consumers think of how contact center agents take payments, they often think of being asked to read off their credit card number, expiration date and card verification value (CVV) code over the phone.

If that doesn’t make you a little nervous, it should. Why? That method of sharing card information may increase the risk of credit card fraud for several reasons:

  1. A contact center agent may write the credit card information down on a piece of paper or somewhere visible where another person could walk by and steal the information.
  2. A disgruntled employee taking the payment may steal the credit card information, using it to make unauthorized purchases or obtain funds from the account.
  3. The customer may be in a public place when reciting credit card details. Someone may overhear the conversation and jot down the credit card information.
  4. Reading out a CVV code negates the reason for having it. This code is used to prove the payer has possession of the card at the point of payment. Someone who overhears and captures that CVV can use it to make card-not-present charges.


Discover Better, More Secure Ways to Take Credit Card Payments Over the Phone

  • Inbound and outbound interactive voice response (IVR): Customers can pay via IVR by using automated voice prompts and keypad inputs, eliminating all four problems listed above. The contact center agent transfers the caller to the payment IVR system. The customer enters the card number, expiration date and CVV on their phone keypad when prompted. The IVR system is integrated into a payment gateway to make the transaction and provide the customer with a receipt number. To make it even more convenient for your customer, you can leverage an outbound IVR, where a customer can schedule a time to receive an automated call to make their payment.
  • Live agent assist technology: Businesses can leverage payments technology to have contact center agents quickly send customers a link to a custom online payment page for payment. By using a solution like CSG Forte’s Payer Engagement Platform, contact center agents can easily create an invoice with a few clicks of a mouse and send it to the customer via email or text message. This allows customers to pay promptly and securely—without sharing their credit card information with the agent. This method of payment greatly reduces the risk of fraud, as well as the risk of exposing customers’ personally identifiable information, or PII.

The Payer Engagement Platform is a secure digital payment solution that enables customers to make payments using their preferred channel and payment method, at any time. By incorporating IVR and live-agent assist technology, businesses can ensure secure, efficient and customer-friendly payment processes that minimize fraud risk and protect sensitive information.

Contact us to learn how the Payer Engagement Platform simplifies bill payment, improves customer experience and reduces fraud exposure.