Legal for Dex
Fully Compliant
Welcome and thank you for choosing CSG Forte. Please take a few minutes to review important information related to your merchant account.
Getting started
Your account has been enabled for processing. Please note that you may not be able to begin processing credit cards for 24-48 hours after your account has been activated.
You will receive a monthly invoice which will be emailed to the primary contact listed on the merchant application. This will be followed by an electronic debit to your organization’s bank account on or about the 10th of each month. Our billing cycle includes all transactions that have funded or rejected during the previous month.
Over the Limit Notification
If you will need to process transactions above your approved per transaction maximum you will need to submit a request to our Support Team for approval. The request will need to be received before 2 PM CST for same day review. For more information on this process please click here.
Risk Monitoring
CSG Forte routinely monitors accounts and may request additional supporting evidence related to proof of business or transaction authorization. Your merchant account funds and/or specific transactions may be held until supporting evidence is provided to resolve any outstanding risk concerns. For additional information related to this please contact our Support Team here.
Dispute management and notifications
Merchants are required to manage chargeback disputes within our Dex platform. Find more information about using Dex to manage disputes here. We strongly recommend that you subscribe to receive dispute notifications upon logging into Dex. You can learn how to subscribe to notifications by clicking here.
SEC Codes
CSG Forte is committed to educating merchants and partners about compliance and industry standards that could potentially impact their business. Merchants running online EFT transactions are required by Nacha to include a Standard Entry Class (SEC) code on every transaction. The SEC code is a three-character application which identifies each entry in the ACH Network. SEC codes differentiate the type of sender and receiver account as either consumer and/or non-consumer, as well as, the proper proof of authorization required for each type of transaction. Understanding and using proper SEC codes is important since using incorrect SEC codes on entries may result in a violation of the Nacha Operating Rules. Based on your processing needs and activity CSG Forte will enable SEC codes that can be used for your merchant account. If you have questions regarding SEC codes or selection availability please contact our Support team here.
For more information regarding SEC codes click here to access our SEC Code Reference Guide and Tip Sheet.
NACHA WEB Debit Originators | Annual Audit & Confirmation of Commercially Reasonable Account Validation
Every merchant originating ACH transactions online is required to comply with the rules and regulations set forth by Nacha, the governing body for online payments across many platforms. The merchants must complete the Nacha Debit WEB Security Audit annually. As of March 19, 2021 Nacha also requires these merchants to have established and implemented a commercially reasonable fraudulent transaction detection system to screen the debit WEB Entry. This requirement can be fulfilled by our Verify product or any qualified method and must be confirmed each year. You will need to complete this acknowledgement form annually to confirm that your organization meets this requirement. If you have not already completed it for the current year please do so at your earliest convenience. We will send out an annual reminder as well. Visit our FAQ for more information.
Legal Disclaimer
Information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as legal advice. It is recommended to seek counsel for legal guidance.
Need help?
Dex is very easy to use. We have also added online training videos to help you get started. Just go to www.forte.net/support. Our Customer Support team is also available to help at 866.290.5400 from 7AM to 7PM CST during weekdays.