
CSG Forte Insights is a collection of industry news and perspectives to help navigate the payments landscape.

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Woman's hands using phone to make mobile payment

Tips to Reduce Late Payments by Engaging Payers

Late payments are on the rise, and they can weigh down your organization’s growth if they go unaddressed. Auto loan and credit card delinquencies have bounced back to their pre-COVID rates, and late payments on consumer loans aren’t far behind. With these indicators, merchants in other industries might be right to wonder if they’ll see […]

Young woman doing online mobile shopping

7 Essential Features for a Better IVR Payment System

While no one likes paying bills, reducing consumer friction points during the bill-paying process can get your invoices paid faster. Millennials are more likely to prioritize paying bills that are easy to pay before tackling (or ignoring) bills that are more inconvenient. More than half (52%) of consumers report experiencing at least one pain point […]

Young woman holding credit card making an online purchase

4 Best Practices for a Better Payment Experience

Providing a smooth experience is key if you want to make on-time payments easy for your customers. But meeting their expectations can be easier said than done. The payment experience is often reported as a source of friction for customers. According to a survey of 400 billing and collections executives, 91% of customers cited the […]


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