AVS and CVV Codes

Address Verification (AVS) Codes

When sending a transaction for address verification or card verification, you will receive one of the following responses:

Code Summary Description Visa Mast AMEX DISC
X MATCH Street address and 9-digit ZIP code both match   x    
Y MATCH Street address and 5-digit ZIP code both match x x x x
A PARTIAL MATCH Street address matches, but both 5-digit and 9-digit ZIP code do not match x x x x
W PARTIAL MATCH Street address does not match, but 9-digit ZIP code matches   x   x
Z PARTIAL MATCH Street address does not match, but 5-digit ZIP code matches x x x x
N NO MATCH Street address, 5-digit ZIP code, and 9-digit ZIP code all do not match x x x x

Address information unavailable. Returned if non-US.

AVS is not available or the AVS for a US bank is not functioning properly.

x x x x
R SYSTEM UNAVAILABLE Retry - Issuer's system unavailable or timed out x x x  
E INVALID The provided AVS data is invalid because of a formatting issue or AVS is not allowed for this card type. Resubmit the request after ensuring the address data is correct. If you receive the same error, then AVS is not allowed for the provided card type. x      
S NOT SUPPORTED The bank does not support AVS; the customer's data can therefore not be verified. x x x  

NOTE: A transaction may be approved even if the address or card verification information does not match. The AVS and CVV2 system is designed to give merchants peace of mind when shipping products to their customers. Merchants must determine whether or not to supply the goods based on the AVS and CVV responses.


International Address Verification Codes

Code Summary Description
D MATCH Street address and 9-digit ZIP code both match
M MATCH Street address and 5-digit ZIP code both match
B PARTIAL MATCH Street address matches, but both 5-digit and 9-digit ZIP code do not match
P PARTIAL MATCH Street address does not match, but 9-digit ZIP code matches
C PARTIAL MATCH Street address does not match, but 5-digit ZIP code matches
I NO MATCH Street address, 5-digit ZIP code, and 9-digit ZIP code all do not match

Address information unavailable. Returned if non-US.

R SYSTEM UNAVAILABLE Retry - Issuer's system unavailable or timed out
E INVALID The provided AVS data is invalid because of a formatting issue or AVS is not allowed for this card type. Resubmit the request after ensuring the address data is correct. If you receive the same error, then AVS is not allowed for the provided card type.
S NOT SUPPORTED The bank does not support AVS; the customer's data can therefore not be verified.


Card Verification Value (CVV/CVV2) Codes

Code Description
M CVV2 Match
N CVV2 No Match
P Not Processed. Indicates that the expiration date was not provided with the request, or that the card does not have a valid CVV2 code. If the expiration date was not included with the request, resubmit the request with the expiration date.
S Issuer indicates that CVV2 data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated that the data is not present on the card
U Issuer does not participate in CVV2 service, or participates but has not provided Visa with the encryption keys needed to perform verification, or both.. Ask the customer is he/she can use a different payment method.

Transaction failed because the merchant entered the wrong CVV2 number or didn't enter any CVV2 number

" " A space will be sent as this response, only for Token transactions, where CVV must not be present in the request.